Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A to Z: Children

I think most of us have experienced this. If not as a parent, at least as a child. You're trapped in a small enclosed space with your worst enemy (a sibling). It's a road trip. And it doesn't matter if they are trying to bug you or not -- they BUG you. At some point during the trip, you will hear someone say, "MO-OM! SHE'S LOOKING AT ME!"

We had a similar experience. We were in the car, which is much more crowded than the van. We were on a short trip... just to church.My son and daughter were rubbing elbows -- literally -- and that is NOT a good thing. He was tired and not in the mood to be trifled with, plus he was going to church -- not his favorite.

After the usually bickering about which seatbelt belonged to whom and who was touching whom(to which, of course, I had wisely replied, "Keep your hands to yourselves"), my daughter committed one final crime which could not be tolerated in even the worst of torture chambers:

"MO-OM!!! Her doll is LOOKING at me!"

Well, I'm sorry, but it was so funny I just had to laugh. I mean, her doll? That was one I had never heard. However, my laughing was also not to be tolerated (I probably did overdo it a bit-- but, dang it, that was funny!).

In utter exasperation, my son turned his anger on me, "MOM, THAT IS ZERO PER CENT FUNNY!"

Kids... you gotta love 'em!

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  1. Too funny! And precisely why we had only one child!

    New follower via the A2Z. (Currently #147)

    1. We have three now, and it is a constant battle. :) Thanks, Nancy!

  2. So beyond the children, now you must also discipline the dolls. Sounds reasonable. :)

    1. No doubt they've since been tortured unmercifully. ;)

  3. LOL! I think the best one I've heard so far is, "Mom, she's breathing my air!"

  4. Well, in his defense, I get super creeped out when I catch dolls looking at me, too. *shudders* But, yeah, the s/he's looking at me complaint was a common refrain while I was growing up with my two siblings.

    Best of luck with the A to Z challenge,

    1. I never thought about it from that perspective, but that would make perfect sense. This particular doll had realistic embroidered eyes, so it probably did look like she was tracking him. :)
